Sunday, 11 October 2009

Sunday Musing

After another busy working week, I find myself yet again drawn to pretty and delicate things much like the pictures above. Eversince I consciously decided to get a hobby and do something creative to fill my days off (not that I get a lot!), a different layer of my personality emerged. And that layer is proving to be a complete opposite of the structured, no-nonsense, big boss, ice queen being that is ME 60 hours a week.

No, I am not hearing voices in my head. Well, not yet anyway ...(queue X-Files theme....)

I still don't know what this blog is going to be about. At the moment it's all a mixture of stuff I like and my jewellery. There's so much I want to do -- jewellery, paper, packaging and stamps. Bring on Sundays.

CeeMae Mood: High School Musical (figure that!) x

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